
Your Support Matters…

As a community supported, 501©3 organization, Bravo Creative Arts Center relies strongly on donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Ticket sales and student fees only cover a portion of our operating expenses. There are many different ways you can support our efforts to ensure life-changing theatrical and educational experiences remain an opportunity for youth across the Middle Tennessee area.

You can donate online by clicking on the yellow button to the right.

Or, to donate by mail, send to Bravo Creative Arts Center, 2020 Fieldstone Pkwy, Suite 900, #250, Franklin, TN, 37069

What Your Support Means…

Your support helps to keep ticket prices affordable for the entire community, and allows student fees to remain low, ensuring equal access and opportunities to those with the desire to perform. Your contribution to Bravo is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our goal this year is $60K. We need your investment to reach that goal! Every donation, no matter the size, makes our work with the underserved artistic youth of our community possible. When you support BRAVO, you share the credit for the difference we make in the lives of youth by encouraging them "to find their voice" on stage, but even more importantly…find their voice on the greater stage of life.

Thank you for helping to ensure that the mission we began 19 years ago, and the impact we've made on the lives of thousands of youth, will continue and thrive for years to come.

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